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首 页>活动展示>文化交流>2012李国栋书法艺术巡回展专题2012李国栋书法艺术巡回展专题

添加时间: 2012-09-04 点击次数:


Works Co-created by Prof. Guodong Li and Lydia Reinhold
1. 福 Good Luck

2. 夕阳无限好 Beautiful Sunset

3. 智利前总统巴舍莉收藏李国栋教授墨宝“福”。 Former Chili’s President, the Executive Director of UN Women Mrs. Michelle Bachelet collects Prof. Li’s calligraphy “Good Luck.”

4. 李国栋教授与葡萄牙常驻联合国大使Cabral (中)及丽迪亚女士在丽迪亚李国栋联合国书画展开幕式上合影。 Prof. Guodong Li and Portuguese Ambassador to the UN Mr. Cabral (middle) and Lydia Reinhold at the opening ceremony of Lydia Reinhold and Prof. Guodong Li Art Exhibition in UN. 

5.联合国秘书长潘基文的夫人柳淳泽女士2012年6月28日出席丽迪亚李国栋联合国书画展开幕 式,李国栋教授与她握手寒暄。Prof Guo Dong Li greets Madame Ban Soon Taek, wife of Secretary General of UN, Ban Ki-Moon, attends the opening ceremony of Lydia Reinhold and Prof. Guodong Li Art Exhibition in UN on June 28th, 2012. 

6. 加拿大多伦多市议员凯利代表多伦多市长授予李国栋教授多伦多荣誉市民称号,向他赠送多伦多市徽章。On behalf of the mayor, Councilman Kelly of Toronto, Canada presents a pin of Toronto that symbolizes honorary citizen of Toronto to Prof. Guodong Li.

7. 丽迪亚李国栋联合国书画展2012年6月28日举行开幕式,联合国秘书长潘基文的夫人柳淳泽,中国常驻联合国代表李保东大使,葡萄牙常驻联合国大使Cabral等政要出席。
The opening ceremony of Lydia Reinhold and Prof. Guodong Li Art Exhibition in UN is held on June 28th, 2012.  Madame Ban Soon Taek, wife of Secretary General of UN, Ban Ki-Moon, Chinese Ambassador to the UN Mr. Li Baodong, Portuguese Ambassador to the UN Mr. José Filipe Moraes Cabral l attend the ceremony.

8.李国栋作品:禅,寿,虎 Works of Prof. Guodong Li: Meditation, Longevity, Tiger.

9. 加拿大多伦多市政府收藏李国栋墨宝“前景光明”。City of Toronto collects Prof. Guodong Li’s calligraphy, “Bright Future”.

10. 联合国秘书长潘基文及夫人柳淳泽收藏李国栋教授墨宝“寿”。
Secretary General of UN, Ban Ki-Moon and wife Ban Ki-Moon collect Prof. Guodong Li’s calligraphy “Longevity”.